The beginning of the month marked the arrival of a few fresh faces as Adam and Brooke, two REU students working with us this summer, arrived and jumped right into field work.
<--- Brooke sampling benthic chambers during a nutrient uptake experiment.---
We also started sampling on the landscape gradient portion of the project, getting a helping hand from Wyatt and Jon. We had a lot of work to do across the 13 streams, but many hands make for light work –and good times. The landscape sampling flew by without a hitch, leaving us with samples to run and data to analyze. ---Wyatt preparing for a 'slug' addition--->
As the landscape sampling drew to a close so was July. As a break, we made a trip up to the north to explore the area around Mývatn and meet
with fellow scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison studying aquatic-terrestrial linkages between Mývatn and the surrounding landscape. We had the pleasure of seeing some of their field sites and hearing about some of the awesome work they are doing up there. We very much enjoyed their hospitality and look forward to sharing many more good times together.
<---Dan 'stoic-ing' out---
Keep posted for more photos from July soon.